For millions of people across Southern Africa, the Zambezi River serves as a highway, a fishing ground, a water feature, a laundromat, and a place to bathe. From its source in the highlands of North-Western Zambia, the river winds over two and half thousand kilometers through five Southern African countries before fanning out into a delta with dozens of channels and into the Indian Ocean.

For the beautiful and cheerful people of the Muguramano Cultural Village who live on the banks of the Zambezi, life flows on, just as the river has always done. With access to numerous bore holes which provide the village its daily water, this solution currently meets Africa’s need for clean drinking water and helps sustain many of Africa’s little villages. But will these bore holes prove the solution to the water supply in climate change?

The UN estimates that the demand for water is expected to double globally over the next 30 years. And that streams and groundwater catchment areas are drying up.

Little by little, and gaining momentum, the climate crisis has a huge impact on the worlds water. The United Nations (UN) says Africa will suffer more than any other continent. But, as the entire planet and all the creatures that call it home need water for every aspect of survival, this affects every last one of us. We are no longer anticipating a crisis, we, as a planet, are in crisis now.


There are many ways in which anyone can help. From the little daily changes, to large, community driven movements, every little bit helps. Below are a few links to some suggestions for you, both big a small.

The World Water Day website – Act Now page.

Circle of Blue – 19 Expert Solutions to Global Freshwater Crisis.

E-School Today – Your Role is Water Preservation.