The Baobab is certainly a symbol of the African bush but it’s far more impressive than many might think. With 11 species in Madagascar and one in Africa, it’s a multipurpose tree that has many uses. As just one of many wonderful plants you could see on a trip to Zambezi Grande, here’s what makes it truly unique and a vital part of the ecosystem of the wild.

Nourishing leaves

The Baobabs leaves are palmate which means “digits.” As a result, they look like hands. These leaves are also edible, which is why many African cultures harvest them and eat them as a sub for spinach as they’re high in potassium and iron. Animals eat them too, namely giraffes and elephants, particularly the latter as elephants need more potassium. This is why you might see Baobabs that have been gouged by elephant tusks. If a tree is pushed over by an elephant, various species of antelope can also be found feasting on these nutritious leaves.

Fantastic fruit

Baobab trees are both male and female, with large white flowers. These are pollinated by a number of fruit bats, keeping them thriving. Once a flower has been pollinated, fruit begins to form. Some fruits can grow to the size of a rugby ball and within the fruits are seeds and powder. The seeds are ground up and used as an alternative to coffee, whilst the powder is used in water as a cordial. The food additive cream of tartar is derived from the fruits of the Baobab.

The “upside-down” tree

Based on its interesting appearance, the Baobab is fondly referred to as the upside-down tree. It’s said to have gotten its inverted look as the result of God’s anger when man sinned, having thrown the trees down from the heavens, making them appear as if their canopies are buried and their roots are towards the sky.

Discover the magic of the Baobab and Zambezi Grande

The Baobab is just one of many incredible things to see at Zambezi Grande. To take it all in, why not get a head start on booking your stay with us today when you email