Many laughs have been shared by Safari Guides when they have been asked, “Are there Tigers in Africa?”

If you ask most people, their answer will be “no”, but there are in fact, Tigers in Africa…

They have extremely sharp teeth, beautiful black stripes and are incredibly fast and powerful. They also have scales and fins as well as gills.

The Tiger fish is widely known as Africa’s ultimate freshwater fighting fish and can be found in the mighty Zambezi River.

Slowly drifting down the Lower Zambezi River on a flat-bottomed boat, with Hippo breaching meters away, fifteen Elephant cross island to island ahead of you, with the golden sun warming your face and a cold drink in your hand – you are now in pursuit of an African Tiger.

All of a sudden, the tranquillity dissolves with the scream of your line.

Fish on! The tug of war with a Tiger begins…

The speed at which this fish hits your bait is astonishing, zig-zagging in all directions. Exploding out of the water, thrashing about mid-air. Trying to dislodge the hook. There are few fights this exciting.

Your chance of landing one of these great Zambian predators is about 50/50. You will win some and you will lose some. Those you do win, you’ll surrender them back to the water so these amazing fish can fight another day.

The best time of year for fishing is as the waters start to warm up from the end of August through to November. Great fishing is also experienced during the winter months, depending on your tactics and method.

This time of year, fishing is at its best during sunrise and sunset… not a bad way to spend your mornings and evenings.

Fishing trips on the Zambezi River will be most successful when accompanied by an expert. Amos and Derrick, our Zambezi River Guides, are your key to success. They never cease to surprise, jacks-of-all-trades and masters of the river. They know precisely where to find the fish, how they feed and how to get ‘fish on’.

Sit back and relax as they navigate the channels, fill your drinks and delight you with tales of Zambia and Zambezi Grande.

If you haven’t tussled with a Tiger yet, we suggest you try.